What is Gemini Vegetarians?

1. The astrological sign and dietary practice of both Elle Woods, Esq. and Bruiser Woods, dog.

2. A monthly newsletter by me, Maura Brannigan, a fashion/retail-ish writer and editor, that lists everything I've written in the previous four weeks. This “project” came requested by no more than three people, one of whom was my own father, so yes, I do believe that’s what they call that “popular demand.”

If you've followed my stories before, you may already know that I often explore the intersection of the fashion industry with the environment, supply chains, the internet and pop culture. If that sounds interesting to you, great, because that's the kind of stuff that's linked here. If not, please be nice. To me and to others!

Each month, I make a donation to a different organization—highlighted at the bottom of the email—that does important work in one or more of fields I just listed above.

That…about covers it. Thanks for reading, Dad!

Editor’s note: In full disclosure, I'm neither a Gemini nor a vegetarian. See instead: Libra flexitarian-but-often-just-pescatarian, baby.

Subscribe to Gemini Vegetarians

I write stuff, and then once a month, send you this newsletter with links to that stuff.